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Parke-Vermillion County Humane Society

You can't buy love, but you can rescue it!  

Love Pets?  Lend a Hand and Volunteer

PVCHS has openings for a variety of volunteer opportunities.  One is sure to be your specialty!

v     Adoption Events

v     Animal Advocate

v     Animal Care Assistant

v     Behavior and Training

v     Community Outreach/Education

v     Dog Walker

v     Foster Care (see information below)

v     Fund Raising

v     Grant Writing

v     Housekeeping

v     Landscaping and Grounds Care

v     Maintenance

v     Membership Drives

v     Newsletters

v     Office Assistance

v     Public Relations/Media

v     Repair and Maintenance

v     Rescue Transport

v     Socialization/Trust-building

To become a volunteer, please download and complete the Volunteer Application and Waiver by clicking on the following link: Online Volunteer Application & Waiver

PVCHS Foster Program

Parke-Vermillion County Humane Society is in need of foster care providers.

Situations requiring foster include:

  1. Kittens and puppies too young for adoption
  2. Nursing mothers- canine or feline
  3. Small animals not ready for adoption
  4. Special needs animals
  5. Sick or injured animals
  6. Hospice care

Requirements for Fostering:

-18 years of age or older

-A room separate from owned pets in which to house the animal(s) to prevent illness or injury.

-Permission from all adults in the home to foster; permission from your landlord if you rent your living space– foster animals cannot live in dorms

-Access to transport to the shelter for regular wellness and vaccination visits

-A fenced-in yard or the ability to walk the animal on leash regularly to prevent escape.

Process to become a Foster:

-Please fill out the application at this link: Online Foster Application

-Shelter staff will contact you to discuss your application

-After being approved, you will be added to our foster email list. You will be blind copied on emails listing animals available for foster. If you are not available to foster at that time, simply ignore the email. If you are interested in fostering an animal listed, please respond to the email and staff will schedule a time and date for pickup.

-PVCHS will provide supplies and schedule regular checkup appointments and drop off for surgery dates accordingly.


  1. Do I have to have experience as a foster? No, the shelter staff is willing and able to educate any potential foster provider and is here to give advice on any issues.
  2. Do I have to give medications? Sometimes, the shelter staff will teach you how to administer any necessary medications.
  3. What is the length of time required for fostering? Length of stay is determined on a case by case basis. Some animals require short stays while nursing animals may require 6-8 weeks.
  4. Won’t it be hard to bring the animals back? Yes, you will end up considering these your own pets. Returning them is made easier with the knowledge that you are always a part of this animal’s story and the shelter will find them their own special forever home. Plus, there are always more animals for you to help with your next set of fosters!


PVCHS does not have a foster to adopt program. If an animal is available on Petfinder or our Facebook page, the animal is not in need of fostering. Any adoptable animal remains on site or at our PetSmart Charities Everyday Adoption center to be available to any potential adopters.